How to play austria civ 5

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Upon the death of your mother, Queen Maria Theresa, you set out to transform Austria into a modern state. He died with no sons and was succeeded by his younger brother, Leopold. His policies are now known as Josephinism. Joseph was a proponent of enlightened absolutism however, his commitment to modernizing reforms subsequently engendered significant opposition, which eventually culminated in an ultimate failure to fully implement his programmes. In the aftermath of these great conflicts, the borders of Austria were recreated, and the independent Republic of Austria stands today as a democratic nation that prides itself on maintaining neutrality and stability. The later union of Austria and Hungary as a singular empire brought stability to both nations, only to be broken by the turmoil of World War I, and eventually, the German occupation of World War II. Beginning in the 13th century with the nearly year rule of the powerful Habsburg Monarchy, Austria emerged as one of the premier nations of Europe, establishing strong alliances and far-reaching trade agreements across the continent. Deriving its name from the Old High German term 'Ostarrichi' first recorded in by Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, the small, landlocked nation of Austria has long been an influential player in the political and military sagas of Europe.